How to improve my French comprehension : Listen to French podcast One Thing a French Day
#LearningFrenchbypodcast #frenchcomprehension #Frenchpodcast #Frenchaudio English Summary 😊 : In 2011, I told a story in the podcast. I...
How to improve my French comprehension : Listen to French podcast One Thing a French Day
This week episodes : Notre-Dame, The Eiffel Tower, an old lady, Ivan Calberac's book and mathematics
This week episodes : Auvers-sur-Oise, school, green dress, Macha Méril's latest book
Life after lockdown, writer Sylvain Tesson and Gilles Cresno's ice creams
This week episodes : first activities after lockdown (visiting parents and bakery)
Free podcast transcript : Armand, un an après (Episode 1825 of One Thing In A French Day)
How to improve my French pronunciation : repeat after me!