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Cultivate Your French

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Cultivate Your French at the right pace
Cultivate Your French is released every Wednesday.
A new episode is released each Wednesday.
This weekly episode is based on the one released that same day on One Thing In A French Day. It might be a little bit shorter though.
There is a small introduction in English that gives you the context of the episode.
First, I read the text slowly with clear articulation.
Then, I read the text at normal speed.
The Slow French way
Cultivate Your French is a Slow French podcast, but Slow French doesn't just mean speaking slowly and it’s not about quick progress. It's a nice learning approach.
It's about experiencing everyday life in France through immersive content.
It encourages taking the time to truly understand what is said in the podcast.
It allows your understanding of French to bloom naturally over time.
With the transcript, it offers a flexible approach to grow your skills steadily.
It helps you maintain interest in learning French at the pace you choose.
Is Cultivate Your French’s transcript a lesson? No, but yes.
Cultivate Your French is not designed as a traditionnal French lesson, but the effects of Cultivate Your French are as good as a French lesson.
The podcast in itself is between the audio blog (because I tell you about my life as a French woman and my family life) and the cultural Interview podcast about France (because I meet French professionnals or friends that tell me about their passion or their work). I tell you about life in France.
Listening and understanding French
Listening is often the weakest point when you learn a language, you need to seperate the words you hear from each other. It can be challenging to understand people who speak that language as their mother tongue. But listening is your first goal because it is the key to the 3 other basics language learning skills : speaking, reading and writing.
On Cultivate Your French podcast, you can listen to the same episode at two different paces, slow in the first place, then at normal speed. I record the two versions myself.
You can navigate between the two versions to train your ear to understanding French words.
Soon, you will get used to the way I speak : this is the first step to enjoy your journey to comprehension.
Of course, the transcript is a big help to improve your listening skills because it allows to practice listening and reading at the same time. It’s a way to master the sounds of the French language because you follow along in the written version.
Cultivate Your French is mainly a tool to work on your French listening comprehension and to understand spoken French, but it has more positive effects !
The effects of the transcript that get obvious : sentences and grammar, pronunciation, etc.
You can use the transcript to notice how we use grammar.
When you read the transcript, you can see how the sentences are built, distinguish one sentence from another thanks to the punctuation. It’s not obvious when you only listen to the text.
You can also see :
— how the verbs are conjugated : it’s easier then to identify a tense, notice an agreement, etc,
— you can see how the words are written and get used to the French spelling,
— you can take the time to understand how the sentences are built,
— you can take notes,
— you can make the link between the text of the episode and a grammar lesson from your textbook.
Better pronunciation
Thanks to the transcript, you can link what you hear to what you read.
You can repeat aloud a sentence, a paragraph, a conversation ! This is a great way to improve your pronunciation at your pace.
When you master the sounds, you get a better pronunciation, and when you get a better accent you boost your confidence !
Your best phrases book
All the sentences that come from this podcast are very natural. They are not only correct, they are real. You won’t read sentences that could sound strange to a French ear.
In the transcript, I often highlight for you some expressions from the episode that are very interesting to remember and to use. You will also find examples on how to use those expressions. I also like to focus on a particular sentence and point some particularities (sentence order, grammar, rythm, etc).
This way, you can collect interesting expressions or sentences to build your best phrases book.
Enjoy the journey
I’m confident that shortly, you will enjoy the episodes for what is being said, rather than just trying to understand the language.
As you understand what is being said, you get the amazing sensation of being transported to France. The photos that you get with the transcript will enhance this amazing feeling.
And when you understand me, you will realize that it’s more easy to understand other French speakers. (And why not listen to my other podcast One Thing In A French Day)
Learning a new language is a journey to discover more about yourself and other people.
Alors, à très vite, chers auditeurs !
Laetitia ♡
Discover Slow French
See how Slow French works for you. You can get a free sample episode and transcript here.
It's an episode set in Paris, in the Rue du Château d'Eau, in which I describe the shops. It is accompanied by photos and practical phrases. It also suggests a phrase for you to repeat out loud. It's a good introduction to the podcast and the content of the transcript.
If you enjoyed this example, why not go further and subscribe to the transcript? The subscription is 4 euros a month and you can stop at any time, of course!
Here's the link to subscribe.