8 • Les tours de Notre-Dame
7 • Je voudrais ce gâteau
6 • Ni vous sans moi, ni moi sans vous
5 • Quelques mots pour le plaisir
4 ‧ La surface du pain est merveilleuse
3 ‧ T'en souviens-tu la Seine?
2 • Une brioche poétique
1 • Avoir de la poésie dans ses poches
A Peek into Everyday French: 5 Common Expressions
Slow French: A Mindful Approach to Learning French
How do you say anything other than "c'est intéressant" or "c'est bon"? (French adjectives)
French adjectives: playing with the three-adjective rule
French adjectives add flavour to your sentences
Two Parisian monuments to recognise
A podcast about the landings: The voices of the Kieffer commando
In May, do as you please (the month of May on the podcast)
Letter to Eula Biss, who wants to study French (but hardly ever does)
2 Parisian activities to practise your French
Learn French by Susie Morgenstern: Is it a book about learning French?
The repeat phrase: a powerful tool for improving your French Speaking